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  5. 2007

What’s T got to do with it? Sameness and (in)difference - debates in trans/gender theory and -activism

Publié le 17 décembre 2007 Mis à jour le 21 septembre 2023

17 décembre

Joz Motmans
(Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid, Consortium Universiteit Antwerpen & Universiteit Limburg)



This lecture will start with a short introduction about the origins of the concept of  'gender' and the meaning(s) of concepts such as transgender, transsexuality, genderqueerness. Then, it will focus on the development of (trans)gendertheory and its influence on the relationships between the feminist, lesbian&gay, and transgender communities. Starting with Janice Raymond's radical views on 'anti-inclusive feminism', and ending with the rise of an international transgendermovement, the history of the main paradigms in trans/gender writing and research will be presented. On the basis of some recent research, the Belgian transgenderorganisations and their main political concerns today will also be examined. The developments in gendermovements on the EU level will finally be taken into account. This lecture will attempt to higlight the unique contribution of transgender action and the challenge towards mainstream gendermovements offered by the politics of transgressing gendernorms.


Joz Motmans is a researcher at the Policy Research Center on Equal Opportunities (University of Antwerp – University of Hasselt), where he works on topics as gender equality & diversity. His main research interests are sexual & gender identities, social movements of LGTB, gender equality (policies) and diversity. He has a master in psychology and post graduate in women's studies. Currently he is finishing a Phd in sociology on transgender social movements people. 

www.ua.ac.be/joz.motmans (only in dutch)