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  5. 2008

The Anthropology of Gender in a Global Shtetl

Publié le 7 mai 2008 Mis à jour le 21 septembre 2023

7 mai

En collaboration avec le Centre d’Anthropologie culturelle (ULB)

Chia Longman
(Universiteit Gent)

In this lecture I will present my research on the politics of religious and gender identity among women of the Orthodox Jewish community in Antwerp, Belgium. I will compare two case studies, that on the religious agency of middle- to senior-aged charedi (or strictly Orthodox women) and a group of women from more diverse Orthodox backgrounds and ages who either work or study outside the boundaries of their community and therefore must negotiate between the 'secular' and 'religious' spaces of higher education, work and home. Both case studies are discussed in relation to contemporary feminist and anthropological theory on the position of women in religious fundamentalist and traditionalist communities.

Chia Longman (°1972) is Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation-Flanders and affiliated with the Centre for Intercultural Communication and Interaction at Ghent University, Belgium, where she also lectures in gender and anthropology. Her research interests include feminism and multiculturalism in Europe and identity politics among women in religious traditionalist minorities, including Orthodox Jewish and Muslim women. She has co-edited two books, written articles for various Dutch and international books and journals, and is editor of the Dutch Journal for Gender Studies.