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  5. 2012

Sex and stigma across borders: gay identity in a migration context

Publié le 9 février 2012 Mis à jour le 29 septembre 2023

9 février

Wim Peumans
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Joël Le Déroff (ILGA-Europe)
Salle Henri Janne (15è étage)

Within migration studies, (homo)sexuality has rarely been a topic of analysis, especially in European research. Through an intersectional approach, Wim Peumans tries to question the heteronormativity of migration studies. In an ethnographic study, he describes the lived experiences of gay and lesbian immigrants in Belgium. He looks at the role played by the sexuality of the participants in their migration decision. He also examines the place of Belgium and more generally Europe within their gay imagination, and how their sexual identity has changed throughout the migration process.

Anthropologist Wim Peumans is a Ph.D. candidate at the Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre (K.U.Leuven). As a fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), he does research on the intersection of homosexuality, Islam and migration in Belgium. His award-winning masterthesis on sexual migration to Belgium was published as a book (‘Seks en Stigma over Grenzen Heen – Homoseksuele en Lesbische Migranten in Vlaanderen en Brussel’, Acco, 2011).